Wrap & Sense
Grasp Capture by a Band Sensor
Natsuki Miyata, Takehiro Honoki, Yusuke Maeda, Yui Endo, Mitsunori Tada, and Yuta Sugiura

[Reference /引用はこちら]
Natsuki Miyata, Takehiro Honoki, Yusuke Maeda, Yui Endo, Mitsunori Tada, and Yuta Sugiura, Grasp sensing for daily-life observation – concept proposal and prototype implementation for cylindrical object –, The 4th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM ’16), June 15-17, 2016, Montréal, Canada.


This paper proposes a bare hand grasp observation system called Wrap & Sense. We built a piece of band sensing equipment composed of infrared distance sensors placed in a line. The sensor band is attached to a target object with all sensors directed along the object surface and detects the hand edge partially. Type of grasp (e.g., “power grasp”) is used in combination with the 3D shape of the object to determine the whole hand posture. Preliminary experimental results and a public demonstration showed that the system is able to reconstruct the hand grasping posture of various users. Three types of application are shown as proof-of-concept.